Fractional NFT for Property Ownership: Transferring the Asset

Fractional NFT for Property Ownership: Transferring the Asset

Recap & Introduction

In the first article of this series Fractional NFT for Property Ownership: Minting the Token, we demonstrated how an NFT representing ownership of a property may be fractionalized for multiple co-owners and represented using ERC-20 tokens.

Fractional NFT for Property Ownership: Minting the Token

Fractional NFT for Property Ownership: Minting the Token

What's a Fractional NFT?

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a proof of ownership. To prove that you own an ape from the Bored Ape Yacht Club, you would simply whip out your MetaMask wallet and show that it's right there in your wallet.

But that is if you are the sole owner of the asset. 

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: Explaining the IPFS JSON Web Service

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: Explaining the IPFS JSON Web Service

A Decentralized App for Minting, Viewing and Transferring Ownership of NFT-based Certificates of Authenticity for Luxury Watches. 

This is the 3rd and final part of the series of articles to demonstrate how Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) may replace paper-based Certificate of Authenticity for luxury goods such as watches.

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: Decentralized App Demo

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: Decentralized App Demo

A Decentralized App for Minting, Viewing and Transferring NFT-based Certificate of Authenticity for Luxury Watches

This is the 2nd part of my series of articles to demonstrate how Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) may replace paper-based Certificate of Authenticity for luxury goods such as watches.

Refer to Part 1 to learn the business logic behind how this may work.

Introducing the Ethereum Development Environment: Part 1

Introducing the Ethereum Development Environment: Part 1

My Ethereum Development Toolchain

Like all other software development processes, building Decentralized Applications in Ethereum comes with its suite of development tools. In fact, there are many options. 

In this 2-part tutorial I will walk through my Ethereum Development toolchain using the example of building the Freelancer Decentralized Application:

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: How It Works

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate: How It Works

NFT-Based Luxury Watch Certificate

Folks who trade used luxury watches know how important it is for your watch to come with a certificate. Typically in the form of a credit-card sized plastic or a folded piece of paper with a serial number, the name of the first owner, and the date of purchase, the watch certificate is an important determinant of the watch's resale value.